The 2021-2022 Impact Report Is Here

NCEF is happy to announce that the 2021-2022 Impact Report has been published. This latest report was sent via mail in paper copy format, sent digitally to our emailing list, and announced on our social media pages. We are confident that the information provided gives an accurate depiction of the amazing work completed over the last year.

Displayed below is the Impact Report for your reference. Your support cannot be overstated; without you, none of this would have been possible! Please take a moment to read and appreciate the positive impact you have helped make on your community. There is so much to celebrate.

If you did not receive the Impact Report in your inbox, consider signing up to receive our newsletter. Our communications are infrequent, brief, and yet very powerful. It’s the perfect way to stay up to date on all the wonderful things happening in our corner of the world. On our home page, scroll until you see the little blue box under the “News” column. Enter your information and expect less than ten emails per year. Thank you!
