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Your Impact on Wichita Center's Programs

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has put a huge strain on our community over the past year, one bright spot has been the way that NCEF's donors have rallied to send funding to the Wichita Center for Family and Community.

In addition to contributing to NCEF's fundraisers for the Emergency Housing Fund, our donors have also been donating directly to the EHF & Family Support Center every month.

Our general fund donors have also been helping, as NCEF has been giving gifts to the Food Pantry through our general fund.

In this video, NCSD's Director of Social Services, Michael Ralls, explains how these donations power Wichita's work. We hope you're proud of how much you've helped!

If you'd like to make a gift to the Food Pantry or Emergency Housing Fund today, you can do so at


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